Uganda, Education stories

Together, we've empowered millions of people with access to safe water and sanitation. We invite you to meet some of them and read their stories.

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Water makes dreams come true

Water has the power to make dreams a reality. With a small, affordable loan made available to Rose by her local bank, Rose was able to give her family a long-term water solution. Now she has money to pay for her daughter's schooling, bringing to life Maggie's dream of becoming a nurse.

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Zawelde and Lumiu
Lumiu gave his family water and a toilet

“When our kids were young, they collected water and they used the outdoors instead of a toilet. It is common for kids here, but they were too young for such a task, and going outdoors isn’t safe. They needed rest, safety, and they needed time for school.” Lumiu did not like this way of life for their kids.

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Rose Uganda 1
Rose's story, then and now

Four years ago we shared Rose’s story. At the time she had just taken a small, affordable loan to give her family a toilet and water at home. Since that time, life has only improved for Rose...

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To doubling the graduates

We can remove the obstacles standing between girls and the education they deserve.

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Abusha 2
Bright days at Abusha Day School

When approaching Abusha Day School one can’t help but smile upon hearing the unavoidable sound of more than 200 little ones joyfully singing while others confidently recite their alphabet. This sound, these moments, are made possible by a staff dedicated to the education of future generations in Uganda, and access to safe water and toilets on the school campus.

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School in Uganda
Education and bright futures in Uganda

Access to safe water is one of the most crucial aspects of running a school. Discover what Eden High in Uganda has done to combat this challenge.

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Rose in Uganda

Uganda is the country Rose calls home, and finally, the water-related issues faced by so many in Uganda will no longer affect her family.

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Together, we can empower more families with safe water.
